Teacher Appreciation Day is May 3, 2022. My favorite teachers were always my math and science teachers. I am honoring them today with the Scientifically Speaking Multi Albus fabric design from the Geekery collection by Sue Marsh for RJR Fabrics. It features classic math and science icons from Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
The week of April 24-30, 2022 is Lab Week, or Medical Laboratory Professionals Week. Enjoy this Frontline Heroes fabric from Robert Kaufman featuring scientists in a medical research lab.
Happy Lab Week to all of the clinical laboratory scientists, medical lab techs, pathologists, and the many other groups that work in medical laboratories!
Fabric Name- Big Hugs Tossed Allover First Aid Kit designed by Jonny Javelin for Henry Glass.
Material- 100% Cotton Fabric
Background Color- Gray
Theme- Medicine
Lab Week, or Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, is celebrated this year from April 24-30th. Today we are showcasing the First Aid Kit design in the Big Hugs collection from Henry Glass. There are first aid kits, bandages, scissors, medical charts, x-rays, pills, thermometers, syringes, ampules, and stethoscopes tossed on a gray background.
Thank you to all of the medical laboratory professionals and pathologists! You are appreciated!
Fabric Name- Go Green Reduce Reuse Recycle from Timeless Treasures
Material- 100% Cotton Fabric
Background Color- Off-white
Theme- Environment
We are celebrating Earth Day today with the Go Green Reduce Reuse Recycle pattern from Timeless Treasures. This design is a collection of icons and words reminding us to take care of the Earth: carpool, use electric vehicles, be energy efficient, bring your own bag, decrease carbon footprints, and reduce, reuse, recycle. The icons include recycling triangles, trees, water cycle, recycling bins, light bulbs, a smiling Sun and planet Earth.
Fabric Name- Big Bang Atomic Toss Navy designed by Deborah Edwards for Northcott
Material- 100% Cotton Fabric
Background Color- Navy Blue
Theme- Science
The Atomic Toss design in the Big Bang collection by Deborah Edwards for Northcott displays large white atomic rings on a navy blue background. There are colorful dots on the white rings representing electrons orbiting the atomic nucleus. The fabric background also has colorful dots and shapes that look like jacks. This simple design makes science fun!
Fabric Name- Big Bang Periodic Hexies designed by Deborah Edwards for Northcott.
Material- 100% Cotton Fabric
Background Color- Multi
Theme- Science
The Periodic Hexies design in the Big Bang collection from Northcott Fabrics showcases 11 chemical elements: Sodium, Silver, Oxygen, Carbon, Boron, Helium, Hydrogen, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc and Nitrogen. Each element symbol is written in white in the center of a colorful hexagon. Under each symbol is the full name of the element. The hexagon colors include aqua, gray, orange, green, blue, red and yellow. This colorful fabric is perfect for young chemistry students or a chemistry teacher.
Fabric Name- Chromatics Aqua designed for In the Beginning Fabrics
Material- 100% Cotton Fabric
Background Color- Aqua
Theme- Science
The Chromatics design from In the Beginning Fabrics features the chemical structures of the four DNA nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). Each of these bases combine with a sugar and a phosphate to form a unit of DNA called a nucleotide. To form the double helical structure of DNA, adenine binds to thymine, and cytosine binds to guanine. Cytosine and thymine are the single ring structures, called pyrimidines. In the image for the fabric, thymine is the single ring structure with two double bonded oxygens (O) [bottom row, center]. Adenine and guanine are the double ring structures, called purines. In the fabric image, guanine is the double ring structure with the double bonded oxygen (O) [top row, center]. For more information, please look up DNA base pairing, DNA structure and DNA replication.
This pattern is perfect for a geneticist or a biochemist. I hope you learned something new today! Science is fun!
Fabric Name- Aquarius Sun and Moon White by August Wren for Dear Stella
Material- 100% Cotton Fabric
Background Color- White
Theme- Astronomy
Aquarius Sun and Moon by August Wren for Dear Stella is a beautiful blue, yellow and white astronomy fabric. It features suns with faces tossed among stars and crescent moons. It’s a great design for someone who follows astrology, too!
Blank Quilting Doctors Are Everyday Heroes Doctors and Gear
Fabric Name- Doctors Are Everyday Heroes Doctors and Gear Allover Light Blue designed by Pam Branch for Blank Quilting
Material- 100% Cotton Fabric
Background Color- Blue
Theme- Medicine
March 30th is National Doctors Day and we’re honoring our doctors with Doctors are Everyday Heroes fabric by Pam Branch for Blank Quilting. This fabric shows doctors in their scrubs and lab coats scattered among tossed stethoscopes, pills, masks, syringes, first aid kits, x-ray films, Tromner reflex hammers, medical charts, thermometers, caduceus, and a heart beat plot with a heart shape in the middle.
Doctors are everyday heroes. Thank you, doctors, for all that you do.
Fabric Name- Geekery Atoms Mavro designed by Sue Marsh for RJR Fabrics
Material- 100% Cotton Fabric
Background Color- Black
Theme- Science
The Geekery collection by Sue Marsh from RJR Fabrics is full of fun science designs. The simple black and white Atom pattern has tiny atoms tossed between even tinier dots. It’s a great way to show your love for science without being too flashy.
Did you know that mavro is the Greek word for the color black?