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Pirate’s Life

Pirate's Life

Fabric Name- Pirate’s Life by Riley Blake

Material- 100% cotton fabric

Background color- Blue

Theme- Pirates


Yo! Ho! Ho! This pirate-themed fabric is so much fun! Take a look at the life of a pirate. Sailing the high seas, burying treasure, swimming with sharks, caring for parrots, floating on rafts and in barrels, wielding swords and flying the jolly roger. The captain wears an eye patch and has a hook for a hand. What an adventure!

I recently had the pleasure to use this fabric to make goody bags for a pirate-themed birthday party. Take a look at the bag here. What would you use this fabric for?

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Holiday Beach Fabric by Blank Quilting

As we enjoy this Labor Day weekend, take a look at how Santa Claus might be spending these last long days of summer.

Blank Quilting Holiday Beach


Fabric Name- Holiday Beach Scenic by Diane Kater for Blank Quilting

Material- 100% cotton fabric

Background color- Ocean Blue

Theme- Tropical Beach, Christmas


Santa Claus is relaxing on a tropical island with his friends from the North Pole. There are snowmen in the sand, flamingos with lights and penguins in inner tubes. The islands are decorated with Christmas trees, presents and lights. The entire Holiday Beach fabric collection is a fun take on the Tropical Beach Christmas theme.

A holiday gift bag made with this fabric can be found here.


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Girl Science Fabric by Zinnia’s Closet

Exciting things are happening at Zinnia’s Closet! Introducing our very own girl science fabric!

Chemistry Fabric by Zinnia's ClosetBiology Fabric by Zinnia's ClosetMath Fabric by Zinnia's Closet

Science was my first love. I studied chemistry and biology in school and worked for 10 years as a scientist before having my family. When I learned how to sew, I discovered science fabric! I couldn’t resist buying every pattern I could find. Over time I realized that many others enjoy the fabric as much as I do.

Earlier this year I decided to design my own science fabric, starting with my three favorite subjects: chemistry, biology and math. I wanted to appeal to girls, and make the designs fun and educational at the same time.

The chemistry design has a few simple calculations, along with colorful lab equipment and chemical elements. The biology fabric covers several areas of biology, from medicine to zoology to botany. The math fabric has some basic algebra and geometry, and interesting patterns such as the binary code and Fibonacci sequence.

I wanted to have some diversity in the designs as well. There are three different girls available with each pattern:




I’ll be adding more subjects and girls in the coming months. I’d love to hear what you think! Please comment below, and feel free to send a message if you have any requests.

If you’d like to see the bags I made with these designs, please click here.




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Sweet Treats by Windham Fabrics

Sweet Treats Waffle Cone Berry Ice

Fabric Name- Sweet Treats Waffle Cone Berry Ice by Maria Carluccio for Windham Fabrics

Material- 100% cotton fabric

Background color- Light Blue

Theme- Food, Ice Cream


The weather is finally warming up and summer is almost here! In my house there are two ways to beat the heat: a trip to the pool, and ice cream!

Think cool thoughts and enjoy these colorful ice cream cones!

(Check out the bag I made with this fabric here.)

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Monster Lab Fabric by Studio e

Monster Lab Patches

Fabric Name- Monster Lab Patches by Dana Saulnier of the Patterned Peacock for Studio e Fabrics

Material- 100% cotton fabric

Background color- White

Theme- Science and Monsters


Five colorful monsters are busy doing science experiments in this fun design. Two monsters are wearing lab coats, one has a pocket protector! Another monster is taking notes on a clip board. One is holding a flask, while the final monster wears safety goggles. The words Theory, Experiment and Molecule are scattered throughout the pattern. A flask being heated by a Bunsen burner, a microscope, test tubes in a rack, and a row of beakers and flasks are also featured.

I hope you enjoy this adorable science fabric. Check out the bag I made with it here.

Science is fun!

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Medical Laboratory Professionals Week

Monster Lab DNA

April 21-27, 2019 is Medical Laboratory Professionals Week.

So in honor of Lab Week, I thought I’d share this science fabric by Studio e. It’s called Monster Lab DNA by Dana Saulnier of The Patterned Peacock. There are cells, strands of DNA, tubes of DNA, and atomic rings. The words Scientist, Genes, Atom, DNA, Nucleus and Molecules are scattered throughout the pattern. If you look closely at the background, you can see X’s, which are chromosomes. I think this pattern is very fitting for a medical laboratory.

Check out the bag I made with this fabric here.

Happy Lab Week to all the Medical Laboratory Professionals out there!