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Girl Science Fabric

Girl Science

Fabric Name- Girl Science on Black

Material- 100% cotton fabric

Background color- a shade lighter than black (I’ll call it charcoal gray)

Theme- science


Science-themed fabric featuring girls in a laboratory. The background is black, with dark gray lines running vertically and horizontally. It reminds me of graph paper.

The pattern has 5 different girls in white lab coats.


Girl #1 is sitting on an orange stool at a brown lab bench, looking into a pink microscope. She is wearing white lab gloves, red pants and a yellow shirt under her lab coat. She has orange glasses and a yellow headband.


Girl #2 is standing up and holding a round bottom flask containing a red liquid in her right hand, and a graduated test tube containing a blue liquid in her left hand. She is wearing a blue skirt and a red shirt under her lab coat. Her hair is yellow and is tied in pigtails.



Girl #3 is standing up and holding a test tube containing an orange liquid. She is wearing green pants and a yellow shirt under her lab coat. She has red hair tied in pigtails.



Girl #4 is standing up and holding an Erlenmeyer flask containing a green liquid. There are bubbles coming out of the flask. She is wearing orange pants and a blue shirt under her lab coat. She has brown hair and black glasses.



Girl #5 is standing up and holding a magnifying glass. She is wearing a red skirt and a pink shirt under her lab coat. She has orange hair pulled back into a ponytail on the side of her head.

There are several other images in between each of the girls: Oval atomic rings, a pink microscope, a yellow light bulb, a test tube rack, a ring stand, and three E=mc² ovals. There are many flasks with different color liquids in them. Some are bubbling and others are splattering. There are ball and stick molecules, a double helix, and a couple of chemical structures. The chemical structures are not scientifically correct, but that’s okay.

I think this fabric is awesome. Being a female scientist myself, I am so excited to see a fun fabric featuring girls in the lab. I hope this fabric inspires girls to experiment and enjoy science.